Thursday, April 28, 2011

Paleo For Life, Catching Up

Salad. With a yellow fork!

Escargot is Paleo, right? ;)

Apple Rosemary Chicken. Yum!

Curry Meatballs over Cauliflower

Flourless Carrot Cake with Paleo Ice Cream
Cost Comparsion Article: Paleo is cheaper!

Curry Meatballs Recipe

Flourless Carrot Cake Recipe

Paleo Ice Cream Recipe

Rosemary Apple Chicken Recipe

I know, I'm a lazy blogger because I link everything over to my mom's blog. Gimme a break, I'm the Teenage Caveman. I've got a lot going on.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Extra, Extra!

Muffin caught eating Paleo!
And it was a very delicious salad, I might add.

Experimenting (Deviled Eggs)

It's not perfected yet, but here are the ingredients:

boiled egg
coconut milk
curry powder
red wine vinegar
sesame seeds
garnish:spinach or basil

mix egg yolks with other ingredients (except garnish) until right consitency, put back into whites and garnish with spinach or basil. [I'll figure out measurements sometime, but that's the jist of it.]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Paleo For Life, Day 5 (Vanity)

"Takes a little vanity to know what it means."

Some people step on a scale in the morning to check their progress.
Maybe I would do that, too--except that a few years ago, my mom decided that 'scales are mean and they lie', and she happily threw ours into the garbage can. 
So how do I check my progress without a scale?  Simple.

I just check myself out. A lot.
Because honestly--who cares about the numbers? If I think I look good, then I feel good. Why should numbers really matter? 
I do weigh myself at my dad's house approx. every week.  But mostly, you'll find me staring at my self in the mirror with my shirt pulled up as I examine my stomach.  In my mind, there's not a problem with checking yourself out.

Not to mention that I have ALWAYS hated the numbers.  Before Paleo, when nothing seemed to be working, I was in a weight training class at school.  At the beginning and end of the term, we recorded our weight, body fat percentage, and various measurements of our bodies (hips, bust, waist, calf, bicep, etc.).  Those were the worst days of the entire semester.  I didn't want to know how much of my weight is fat.  It just made me feel like a loser.
When I went to the doctor recently, they did the typical weigh-in.  I glared a little at the scale.  I sighed as I walked towards it.  The nurse slightly smiled.  I stepped onto the scale, closed my eyes, and said, "You can look at it and write whatever you need to down.  But I'm not going to. Don't tell me what the scale says."

I think she was a little surprised, but she respected my strange request nontheless. :)

Isn't it nice when you pull on your pants to discover that they're too big?  I now have 2 pairs of pants and a pair of shorts that have to be worn with a belt.  [I think I'll go to D.I. and get some suspenders...just for kicks and giggles.]

Start Paleo, and you'll be checkin' yourself out too.  It works.  There are awesome results. 

Meal #1-
Coconut Crepe with strawberries and blueberries
[Yes, I finally satisfied that craving...]

Meal #2-
Loaded Salad

Meal #3-
Salad with Curry Dressing (something my mom invented today. Super awesome! I'll get you the recipe soon)

Meal #4-
Spaghetti Squash with Curry Shrimp(also will get you the recipe soon. It's really easy!)


Monday, April 18, 2011

Paleo For Life, Day 4(Back in Paleo Land)

I was so looking forward to Paleo Crepes this morning.  Then I realized we were missing the most important ingredient.  Eggs.  Raw eggs, anyway. We had some boiled...but that wouldn't have worked.  I got 'revenge'  by making my breakfast noisy--a smoothie. Maybe that will give people a wake-up call that I need eggs. ;) I also had a boiled egg on the side for protein.

I had a lunch all packed to bring to school. [It's scary what my school serves for lunch.  Everything there is stuff I can't eat.  Spaghetti covered in sugar-loaded Tomato Sauce, Chicken Rice Bowls, Sandwiches with meat that's been cured in sugar.  And that's what the HEALTHIER options are.  It practically gives me nightmares to think of the pizza, burgers, chicken patty sandwiches, french fries, and Snicker's Ice Cream bars that so many of my friends eat.  AHHH!]  So for me, Little Miss Paleo, I pack my own lunch.  Lots of vegetables, meat, sometimes a little fruit.  Water.

But I forgot it.  In my fridge.

I had a dilemna. A big one.  My mind raced for an answer but each solution I found was quickly crossed off the list.
Can my dad bring it to me?
Can my mom bring me one?
I'll just go out to lunch.
I'll just skip lunch and eat after school.
Eventually I begrudgingly decided on this:  I guess I'll go see if the cafeteria has salad.  It's not much, but it's something.

Lunch comes and I am RAVENOUS.  Making good choices when you're that hungry is hard.  Or atleast, I thought it would be.
Let's just say that if Spaghetti could get offended, it would have flipped me off because of the look I gave it.  Yuck.

I went straight for the place where I knew there would be vegetables: the Sandwich line.  I got myself a plate, did not get myself a sandwich, and loaded up my plate with lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and a few pickles and peppers.  Then I grabbed an apple.  I 'stole' some peaches from one of the other lines as well and looked down at my meal.
Solution Salad protein...but at least it was Paleo.(Except the peaches, which were canned(A.K.A. soaked in High Fructose Corn Syrup), but I realized that after I had eaten.)  People gave me some strange looks. [Although that could've been due to my fabulous new shirt...]
Best shirt ever. :)
I just smiled and walked down the hallway, happy to have food.

My friend saw what I was eating and kinda looked at it funny..."Why don't you have real food?"
I said, "This IS real food."  This is what real food looks like.

After school my amazing mother brought me some Fresh Crunch Salad(tuna, carrots, cucumber...).  So good to have Paleo food. :)

And you have no idea how wonderful it was to have a completely Paleo dinner prepared when I got home from Ballet.  None of this Attack of the Soy stuff.  What did we eat? We're calling it B.I.G. Shreds.

If I can make a decent-ish Paleo lunch in my school cafeteria (Grain Central) at last minute, then you can make Paleo meals at home.  It's not hard--just different.  And you will see the difference.

My pants don't fit anymore.  Couldn't be happier. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Paleo For Life, Day 3(Traveling)

Traveling today.  Paleo snacks:  Lettuce wraps, vegetables, fruit, water.

Stopped for lunch at: Carl's Jr. Got the Low-Carb burger--and this time there was no Ketchup Incident.

Some people watch movies when they travel.  I listen to Conference.  And now I have been fed Physically and Spiritually.

School starts up again tomorrow, and I don't feel ready to go back.  I want to be back at my Grandparent's house, where all I have to worry about it writing in my journal, running in the morning, reading D&C , and if I'm going to win the next game of Trumpet.  I don't want to worry about my upcoming AP History test, or that I'm teaching the Pre-schoolers tomorrow....

Wish me luck....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Paleo For Life, Day 2(Food Vs. Religion/Repentance?)

Let's set something straight. I'm not an Obsessive Paleo-ite(Let's call them OP's from now on).  I don't eat only what Grok would've eaten.  That's not for me.  I'm mostly Paleo.  I occassionally will eat some bread, or maybe like a spoonful of ice cream.  It's not going to kill me. 

Lately I've realized:  Your diet is like your religion.  You preach it's greatness to others and try to get them converted[much like I am now].  For OP's, the question isn't, "What would Jesus do?" but "What would Grok eat?"  You believe that your diet is the way, the truth and the light.
Unlike religion, there isn't just one true diet.  Different things work for different people.  Some are vegetarian, some are meatitarian, some find success with Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers or Body For Life.  Some are...well, just plain old fat.  And I'm sorry if you're one of those people out there that has tried everything and still can't find what works.  I know how that goes.  Really. 
But then I found Paleo, and it works.  Try it out.

Self-Discovered Benefits of Paleo:
-Higher Energy
-Healthy, clear skin
-Weight Loss!!!!!
-Stay satisfied longer
-No constipation [Sorry if that's too personal for ya. You'll learn to deal with it.]

My run this morning was beautiful. I ran past a house with a neon green door[AWESOME],  a lot filled with tulips, a playground with stone doesn't get much better than that, right?

Dinners have proved to be interesting while I'm at my grandparent's home this week.  My grandmother has been very kind to provide Paleo [or mostly Paleo] meals.  Peas aren't necessarily Paleo, but oh well.  I'm sure the fruit salad has sugar on it, as most of the fruit was from a can.  The tomato sauce on the chicken probably had sugar in it, too.  There was also rice and rolls. I didn't have any rice but did have one small roll.  Although it was kinda dry and not really worth it.

That's one thing I'm discovering: Sometimes it's just not worth it. There are things I can think of that I think would be worth 'breaking' Paleo for.  Banana Bread.  Cinnamon Rolls.  Homeade Granola.  My mom's chocolate chip cookies. CHOCOLATE.  I have missed Chocolate. Even then I wouldn't eat a lot of it.  Just some.
But things like white bread, store bought cookies, doughnuts, cereal?  Nah.  It's not worth it. Not at all.
This roll wasn't worth it, either. I'm glad it was small.

I'll be grateful to be back in Paleo Land.

Dear Readers,
I am overwhelmed with guilt.  Sometimes grains look so good, and then after eating them I feel like there is a rock in my stomach.  I think I'm going to go on a No Grains challenge for at least a week, if not more. Ugh. Uggg. I am so sorry, body. So sorry. It won't happen again.

Meal #1-
Zuchinni Onion Omelette
Peach Slices

Meal #2-
Chicken Catchetori
Fruit Salad
Meal #3-
Too guilty.  Too guilty.  It wasn't even that bad and I'm still too guilty.

What's on The Menu?

Here are some sites to go to for Paleo Recipes, success stories, and stuff like that.

How's That Been Working For You?  (This is my Madre.  She is wonderful.  She calls me Ballerina on her blog, P.S.)


The Spunky Coconut

Taste Test

They call me The Muffin.  I am a woman, and proud to be so. I am actually quite the Feminist.
[Unfortunately, 'The Teenage Cavewoman' doesn't really roll off the tongue, don't you agree?]
Besides, women can do whatever men can do.  So there.

I just completed my first 30 Day Paleo Challenge.  And I like it so much, I'm going to keep doing it.

What exactly is Paleo anyway? Well, it's pretty simple:
No Grains
No Dairy
No Legumes
No Sugar
Little Starch.

I bet as you read down that list you became more and more shocked, ready to leave this blog right now.
It's not that bad. Really.  It's great!

Read on, you might find that you like it.
Maybe I'll convince you to have your own Challenge.

It works, people.  I lost 8 pounds in the first 2 weeks of doing it.
And if a teenager can eat like a caveman, why can't you?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Paleo For Life, Day 1

I echo the words of my mother when I say 'what if I blow up like a balloon?'  What if eating grains again makes me regain all the weight I've lost?
After making Banana Bread last night, I will admit, I had 3 slices of that masterpiece.  With Real Butter.  And it was absolutely worth it.  Every bite was as delicious as I had dreamed of.
Divinity in a Loaf

This morning, when I woke up to run, I was so sore.  It hurt to roll out of bed.  So I decided to see how I felt after another 30 minutes of sleep.  After 30 minutes, still in pain. So what did I do? I decided to take a day off. I slept in until noon, and even then got up begrudgingly.  I ate breakfast(maybe it should really be called lunch, seeing as it was halfway through the day), and went to go shower.

But as I was getting ready to go shower, I see my running clothes sitting in the corner of my room.


It was like they were guilt tripping me!  I groaned. Out loud. I said, "I don't want to! Not today!"
I looked in the mirror and checked out my stomach. [Because I do that.]  I groaned a little more.  Was it just me or was my stomach not as flat as it had been yesterday? Is my mind making this up or is this for real? Do I have Balloonitis?!

Next thing I know I'm in my running clothes and sneakers, putting my earbuds in, and running down the street.
I never regret a work-out once I've done it.  Even when it is raining. Even when I trip on the sidewalk and the corner of my iPod gets a little chipped. [Yes, that happened today.  It kinda surprised me. I lay on my back on someone's lawn with a quizzical expression, thinking, "How the hecka did that happen?"] Even though passing any man-stranger makes me want to turn and run in the opposite direction.  I never regret a work-out once I've done it. Ever.
And running at lower elevations? It rocks. It's like I never get tired.

When I got home, I took my Guilt-Free shower and when I got dressed, my pants were too big.  I had to wear my belt with them, and I didn't have to the last time I wore them.  So, GO ME! :D

Today was Waffle Night.  It's kind of a tradition for my grandma to make waffles one of the nights we're here.  She makes a BUNCH of waffles, and has toppings of whipped cream, peaches, raspberries, bananas, or the ever-original butter and syrup.  Did I mention that the peaches and raspberries are sweetened?

It PAINS me to write all of those things.

It brings me great joy to say that I was good.  Each waffle is divided into four squares.  I only had two squares, with a tinsy bit of whipped cream and some fruit.  (I might have had more fruit if it hadn't been sweetened.)  I cut my waffles into 'toes' (little squares) and ate slowly. I completely chewed and swallowed each bite before getting another.  I had 3 full glasses of water throughout the course of the meal. I also had turkey sausage, which I am SURE had sugar in it, but sugar seems to 'inflate' me less than grains.  I was full pretty fast, probably because of all the water I'd had.  But that's ok.  It means I didn't eat lots of waffles and sweetened fruit.
[Sorry, no picture of dinner. I could've, but I felt ashamed to post such a mess ;)]
Let's hope I don't feel like a Balloon later...I'm done eating bread for today.

The other day my grandma asked me:
"Once you're done with Paleo, are you going to slowly add back those things you're not eating into your diet again?"
I said:
"I'm never going to be really done with Paleo.  We'll kind of add back some things.  But only a little.  Because I finally found something that works, and I don't see why I should stop doing what works."

I can't wait to be back in Paleo Land, where eating Paleo is so much easier to do.  Because that's all that there is to eat.  There's no bread sitting on the counter, ready to be sliced and spread with jam.  There's hardly any on-the-go snacks, which means I rarely 'snack'.  It will be good to be home again.

Meal #1-
Scrambled Eggs with Onions and Carrots (I needed some more vegetables...)
1/2 kiwi
1/2 orange
(Stripes and I traded our breakfast fruit choices)

Meal #2-
Waffles, Fruit, Sausage, WATER(thank you, you Calorie-free nothing-ness that so wonderfully fills me up)

Meal #3-
Carrots, Celery, Water (Does that even COUNT as a meal?)

Meal #4-
Tilapia, Sauteed Vegetables
A Totally Paleo Meal. Hallelujah!